Monday, 10 March 2014


evaluating last week:  I feel really disappointed with the amount I got done last week, last week felt like a bit of a set back in terms of trying to stay on track with everything.  I felt quite distracted and a bit all over the place with what I was doing, I feel as though I have a lot of things I need to do for certain briefs that make them fully completed, and so without doing them (things such as printing, boards, photographs etc.) I am unable to cross lingering tasks off.  Now this week needs to be even more productive, certain things are being transferred to each weekly list which needs to stop.  Emily and I have booked a photography studio to photograph our secret 7' designs, which will be reprinted at our print slot on wednesday.  
last week
24/02/2014 - 02/02/2014
Its quite important that I get the things done on the list this week as it just adds to the next list and I feel all these things finally need to be out of the way for me to be able to progress with another brief.
  • print secret 7" sleeves
  • photograph 7" sleeves
  • clean screen (unsung heroes and heroines)
  • correct Meantime print format
  • print Meantime sleeves
  • photograph Meantime sleeves
  • window teabag display (rosy lee)
  • design rosy lee book
  • blog development for rosy lee
  • secret 7" boards
  • Meantime boards
  • screen print unsung
  • start dialogue brief
this week // 3/03/2014 - 09/03/2014
This is quite an extensive list and I don't expect everything to be completed for it by the end of the week, however to have a lot of it done would make things easier.  I have written down everything that needs to be completed in the near future just so I have an idea roughly of everything that needs to be done in the next two weeks.
  • blog secret 7' mistakes
  • blog zine primary research
  • weekly plan - evaluation (ppp)
  • look up studios to visit
  • photograph secret 7'
  • photograph meantime (sleeves and tee shirts)
  • boards (secret 7')
  • boards (meantime)
  • development of Rosy Lee (blog)
  • Rosy Lee book
  • tea in hyde park publication
  • dialogue (development, starting point)
  • dialogue final design (deadline, this friday)
  • develop drinks club logo
  • collect unsung heroes primary research
  • map conversations 

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