Thursday, 14 November 2013


studio crit & feedback
Today we had a crit where we were split into two groups, one group would give feedback on the other groups work whilst being out of the room.  I found this crit to be helpful in terms of feedback but feel as though I should of been more prepared to get the most out of it.  Most of my design work hadn't been fully displayed in a way that was easy to give feedback and so this obviously contributed to the type of feedback I was getting.

Because of this I found it hard to word some direct questions, these were the two I came up with in regards to brief_01 contemporary culture and brief_08 spectrum.

what other printing techniques could be used for the spectrum brief?
  • really strong visuals here
  • opportunity to produce something beautiful with a definite wow factor 

the contemporary culture brief relies heavily on photography as its main visual, do you think the collection of zines would work better with type to give it context or as photo zines?
  • a combination of the two would be useful and also make the zine stronger x2
  • start looking at visuals and experiment with type and image

flag collaborative brief:
  • collage is looking good
  • good to work collaboratively as work produced is different from normal
  • get finished soon - good to have one brief done and out of the way

general feedback:
  • good organised plan
  • cant see much visuals - quite hard to crit concepts! although briefs sound interesting!
  • your plan looks organised, perhaps more research needs to be done
  • museum of childhood - there needs to be more visible research to be able to crit the brief - maybe mock ups of way finding/primary research
  • good primary research emailing people for contemporary culture, would be nice to see some research on zines.
  • exhibition of a life looks really interesting, more secondary examples?
  • good to see development of flag
  • marbling looks like something that would be fun and would be a good process to experiment with unpredictability of outcomes
  • digital collage could be another technique to use

my thoughts:
I was really happy with the feedback seen as though I felt quite underprepared for this crit, it was encouraging to know people understood and found the briefs interesting even though I had not presented them the best I could.  For me this brief has been really helpful in allowing me to see the pace I should be working at and how to better my time management.  At the moment I feel quite behind as no brief is actually fully completed and so everything feels over whelming.  I am using reading week to really focus on one or two of the briefs instead of trying to do more than three at the same time, I find this slows down the pace of each brief.  When one brief is complete it will feel a lot more encouraging and because I have started several briefs I feel everything isn't as organised as it should be.

I will now write a new plan that will start from tomorrow and take me through to the end of reading week, this should hopefully allow me to get back on track and cross off some of my list.

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