Sunday, 25 September 2011


·         Identify and explain 5 reasons why you chose to study on this programme.
-I decided I wanted to study on the programme after researching the course, the type of work the college produced, particularly the graphic design department, really appealed to me.  I looked at past students blogs and photographs of graphic design work on the college website and it looked really professional and impressive.
-I read the college prospectus and the description of the graphic design course covered all the aspects of graphic design I was interested in.  The course highlighted the importance of communication through text and imagery and listed areas I would like to learn about and experiment with.
-When I came for my interview I was given a tour of the college which showed me the various facilities that would be at hand to me, such as the printing room and the studio space.  They also explained that you could work closely with other students on other courses such as the photography department etc.  Overall the college had a good feel to it and a good reputation with respectable alumni.
-The course has a practical application; it opens different pathways to broaden career opportunities.
-Having a full time table will enable me to engage in my course without any distractions.
  • Identify and explain 5 things that you want to learn during your time on the programme.
-I want to learn how to use my blogs effectively, to record my progress throughout the time on the course.  To get into a habit of uploading my work/things that inspire my work/specific pieces of design work that I like/a reflective journal of progress/photographs I have taken/notes I have made etc.  This will be the best way to show development throughout the three years. 
-I would like to develop better skills within the digital aspects of graphic design.  Improve my skills with programmes such as Photoshop and Illustrator. 
-I would like to take advantage of some of the facilities offered within the college and the introductory classes and learn to apply some of these things taught to my work.
-I would like to broaden my knowledge and skills within typography
-I would like to improve my presentation skills as I am not a confident public speaker
  • Identify and explain 5 skills that you think are your strengths.
-I tend to pay attention to detail.
-I am open to new ways and techniques of learning and like to incorporate new methods into my work.
-I pay attention to layout, playing around with composition and the detail within the layout.
-Generating ideas that I feel I want to communicate.
-I like a challenge.
  • Identify and explain 5 things that you want to improve.
-My time management and organisation skills, to not work late into the night- a couple of hours before the project is due...
-How to use colour appropriately.
-Learn to screen print.
-Explore other possible outcomes and try ideas even if I think they won’t work.
-Generate more ideas quickly.
  • Identify and explain 5 ways that you will evaluate your progress.
-Throughout the course I will use my blog as a way of recording thoughts, ideas and progress.
-Comments and advice from tutors.
-Through crits and group discussions, general feedback from students on my course.
-Set myself targets within briefs to keep up to date and achieve the best I can in that particular brief.
-Compare my work to others and see if my standard is at a similar level.

  • Identify 5 questions that you want to find the answer to
-What is Graphic Design?
-What will i be doing this year?
-What skills makes you a good graphic designer?
-How competitive is this industry?
-How do I network to gain contacts?

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