I think an important problem I've had to solve so far with all the briefs is having to have all the outcomes made digitally (Adobe programmes) I'm really glad I've been made to use illustrator/photoshop because its definitely something I would of avoided as all my previous work was hand rendered. I do however think it limits ideas sometimes because I'm working to a usually short timed brief and so I always feel like I don't have enough time to research, generate ideas, draw some design sheets and then learn some new techniques on the programmes to create the designs I have as potential ideas in my head. Another problem, my time management skills. Again and again I've found I'm not leaving myself enough time for the final design, the majority of the time for each brief is spent on researching, design sheets and trying to think of an actual idea.
This was one of the first briefs we got at the start of the year, looking back the outcome was pretty rubbish, the three posters were hand drawn because I had no concept of Adobe. It looks unprofessional, the use of colour is bad because I think we were limited to two colours plus stock and so hand drawing it wasn't a good idea. After everything I've learnt over the past six months I definitely think if I was handed this brief now the outcome would be improved drastically.
I quite enjoyed making a hot dog book for the first time, a problem I had with this which has happened a few times is printing. I have to be exact with measurements on inDesign etc. and print out test versions in the mac suite, even though I did this, type was still managed to be cut off when printing the final 10 copies.
Something that I do constantly, I found especially with this brief, not giving myself enough time to actually produce the final piece of work. I think it happened with this one more so because it was running along side the '100 things..' brief which was a long project.
Evaluate the key considerations that you had to take into account when investigating briefs this year:
After being on this course I've realised there are a lot more things as a graphic design student that you need to consider rather than just what the final piece looks like.
-I've never had to do so much prep work before starting the actual design, this has definitely helped improve the quality of the final outcome. Design sheets, which I hated doing at first, is a great way to get things down and generate ideas. The amount of design sheets I've done in the last two modules compared to OUGD403 has increased. I think design sheets allow you to get a basic idea of potential designs without going to the trouble of designing them first which would waste a considerable amount of time.
Research was a massive part of '100 things' OUGD405, this was where I learnt the importance of research and also the importance of a varied body of research, primary/secondary, quantitative/qualitative.
Target audience is a massive part of graphic design, which I hadn't realised until starting the course. At Camberwell there wasn't as much emphasis put on this. I think most of my designs were done with little or no consideration for my target audience. This is obviously an important factor as graphic design is all about communicating a message and with no clear target audience that only makes it harder.
Evaluate the research activities that you had to undertake in order to resolve the briefs this year
Research is something else I've found to be important and useful when doing any brief, when doing OUGD405 I learnt the importance of primary research, making surveys is something i've done this year that gives you good feedback about what design direction to take. Secondary research is something I rely on heavily, however, I've learnt to try and use reliable sources, this is key, if you design something with incorrect information its sending out the wrong message.
Evaluate the examples of secondary research that informed your design decisions
I think for secondary research I rely way to heavily on the internet, and should try and use different sources to get some information. Also you never know whats reliable on the internet.
Evaluate the examples of practical research that informed your resolution
I found doing questionnaires and surveys helped to get a better understanding of an audiences point of view. I want to start incorporating photography into my projects more, using your own images instead of ones off the internet.
Evaluate the breadth of visual investigation that you explored before deciding on your design direction
Visually I've looked at quite a few images, for example with the '100 things' a lot of my research was looking at old packaging, old record sleeves, the general style of things from that period of time that I was researching. I tend to draw up my designs visually before hand on design sheets, however, I find on most of my design sheets I do tend to write just as much. A lot of my visual research is done on the internet or just from things that catch my eye in general, I should start getting resources from the library and other places for future briefs. I look at some designers I like to get visual inspiration for things like type, layout etc. I found when I was doing the Rain Poster Brief OUGD406 I tried to look at various poster designs to see if I could get any ideas on design and style.
Systematic, Stimulated & Intuitive Approches
The approach taken for the last brief: STAMP IT!//OUGD406
I used a stimulative approach at the beginning to draw inspiration from the internet, I looked at previous work that answered the brief before to help get an idea of how other people had responded to the brief. I then looked t facts and stats to get information about the topic.
Intuitive approach: I drew some ideas out on designs sheets, to get an idea visually of what I was going to create.
When I'd decided on an idea, what the message was I wanted to display and the basic idea/style, I used a systematic approach to make my designs, the style, consistency etc.
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