After making some first attempts to put together a logo I decided to scrap most of them and start again using the same typeface but changing the direction slightly. This is my full name written out in Minion pro with no editing done to it (no kerning etc.) I don't particularly like the overall look of that, I think it seems quite boring and possibly corporate.
These are the new typefaces as part of my self branding design, this will be used over the products along with a smaller logo that can be stamped across a range. At this moment I am quite undecided on whether I prefer regular or italicised or a combination of both. I much prefer the typeface in all caps as opposed to lower case and with kerning.
The first design is my name simply written in Minion Pro. The second the same just italicised which I think looks slightly better. The last two are a combination of regular and italicised, the third italicising my middle and last name which I think could work as its drawing more attention to my first name. The last italicises just my middle name which could look slightly obscure.
I then looked at how I could make the typeface a bit more personal and individual to my self branding and how I could slightly edit some letters. The ones that seemed easiest and most suitable to edit were the B and the R.
original lettering:
edited lettering:
I thought this could work quite well at first, however it would be limiting the design as I was leaning slightly towards the italicised type and that would be a lot harder to edit. Also when creating the outlines of the type it makes them slightly thicker, its not hugely noticeable but I prefer the typeface before.
logo development:
These were some ideas for the actual logo/stamp, I think at the moment its quite simple and plain but I feel it could work well if the rest of the branding was thought out and consistent. I am leaning towards the design with the smaller 's' or the italicised KSB.
circle variations:
I thought this added a bit more of an identifiable symbol to the branding and I quite like the idea of the branding being black and white and having coloured stock to incorporate some colour.
I like these designs less, when I think about these being printed I imagine them on brown stock/cream textured stock. The only problem is I don't know if the white text would look good against the black logo on brown stock. I could try having the initials the same colour as the stock as opposed to white.
square variations:
I didn't think originally I would like the square versions, however I think one or two of these could work as well as the circle designs. The top two designs would have black outlines and the space within the square would be transparent, so whatever stock it was printed onto would effect the logo. I think the black ink would like nice against the brown parchment stock I have in mind.
Other versions of the square symbol. I think to test what would look best I'd have to experiment with printing and stock choices. I think amongst the designs there is something I would be happy with but obviously at this stage its hard to be satisfied with it as it is at the early stages.
incorporating 'graphic design'
Looking at ways that graphic design can be placed in the branding. I like graphic design being italicised but I think with the design it would be good to have a contrast of regular and italicised minion pro and I prefer my name italicised (second design)
Outlined box, keeps the logo all together - would work as a stamp.
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